Road Trip 2004
This past summer I went with my friend Steve on a trip to... you probably didn't guess it... the Red Lake Indian reservation in Northwestern Minnesota. Check out the pics.
Otakon 2004
Recently I went with my friend Johnny to the 2004 Otaku Convention, also known as Otakon. It's a big anime convention. I have many pictures of the different cos-players that I saw there.
JMU Page
It's my second year at JMU and I've already done a lot of things. I've got pictures of what I've been doing while "studying."
Juli's Graduation
For Juli's graduation from NYU, I went with my family to New York to go see the ceremony. While there we toured the city. Check out my pics, there are some weird ones in there.
3D Pics
3D pictures have always intrigued me, and I have created many pictures of scenes in 3D because of that. I have created even more scenes since coming to JMU. I have now posted them.
Spring Break
For Spring Break 2004 I went with friends Rachel, Eric, and Steve down to Tampa for a week of pure relaxing. Well, at least we had fun!
The Vault
I put all my old web pages up here. Recent additions include Winter Break 2003 and My 19th Birthday.
My Old Website: see my old site with my old stuff
Steve's site: my friend Steve's website
Johnny's site: my friend Johnny's website
Eric's site: my friend Eric's website
Renderosity.com: a great 3D website
JMU website: homepage of my college
DJO website: homepage of my high school
STM Choir page: website of my grade school through high school choir
Ozwell Australian Vintners: first website I created for a company
Michter's American Whiskeys: second website I created for a company